Sunday 27 May 2018

Super saleswoman….

The other day I was travelling by train to some place. I always carry a book with me when I am travelling and not driving.

On this day too I had a book with me. It was about an hour’s journey. Most of my fellow travelers were engrossed in their mobile screens with earphones on. Some were playing games, others watching movies and some listening to music. And then there were some who were sleeping and few others were just watching here and there.

During the journey lots of vendors came, all trying to sell something or the other. In order to attract attention these people usually say things loud enough about their products and promote them to all travelers around them. Anyone who is interested in the product see it, and if liked buy them.
Although I was into my book reading throughout the journey, I managed to hear them coming and going because of their loud speeches.

Just about five minutes before my stop was to come, I closed the book and looked around. And what I saw, just amazed me. There was a lady selling some sweets and toffees.

You might say so what’s so unusual about it. There was something very special about her, please continue reading……

What was very unusual about this lady was that she was not saying anything at all to sell the sweets and toffees, yet I saw some people buying them. I was a little surprised and puzzled as well. I paid attention and observed her for few moments. Soon I realized she was mute.

So how did she manage to make a sale? This is what she did.

She held the sweets and toffee bag (not a very big one, there were about half a kilogram of sweets and toffee in it) in her right hand, and walked in front of the travelers, shook and thrust the hand which held the bag containing sweets and toffes in front of their eyes and managed to take out a very feeble voice which was more like a grumble as in like Unmmmm, unmmm.

People would look at her first and then at her hand and would understand that she were trying to sell the sweets. Some bought them, some simply ignored, and some looked away.

A sales person is usually the one who is known for his talks and use of sweet tongue, but here was this lady who without even saying anything was making the sales and a livelihood. 

This lady did not allow her disability to earn a living out of pity of others, instead she used her eyes, hands and smile to compensate for what she lacked. There was only one feeling which I felt for that lady at that moment and it was, immense amount of RESPECT.

My station came and I alighted from the train, but not without buying sweets from her :)

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~ Nilesh Sharma @ Student of Life ~

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