I bet we all have, Isn't it?
Wisdom of knowledge is all around us and has been passed onto us from centuries to centuries, generations to generations, and yet seldom do we take it.
At least I have not taken them at their face value, but had to conclude at some point or other and agree to the wise words only when it passed through my personnel experience.
There have been so many instances where-in, either I have advised some and then there were times when I received some.
Over a period of time I have realized that it's best not to offer any advise (even if asked), instead be there as a support for the person who entrusted you with their concern.
I have come across very few people who are wise enough to not commit any mistakes, they believe in learning from others.
But then these same people have missed out on the experience which otherwise could have changed the course of direction of their life.
For instance, I know of this one person who never entered into any relationship neither did he marry, all because he has seen too many unhappy couples either suffering in their respective marriages or had decided to stay separated or got divorced.
Agreed there is no sure shot chances that all the relationships, be a marriage or live-in or the one in the making will end up as an ideal one, the one which can be referred to as "Marriages made in Heaven!!
We all wish to live a Happy, joyful and fulfilling life full of smiles, but then how will one know Happiness without experiencing the pain.
Pain and pleasure are like two sides of the same coin, one cannot exist without the other.
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We humans as creations, have been blessed with the sensibilities to feel different kinds of emotions. The experience of all of them is vital for our growth and thus in bringing balance in our life. Isn't that what all the great saints, and yogis and enlightened ones have devoted there whole life to teach us.
But then again, as the title goes "To each his/her Own"...
You need to be an experiencer, only then will you fathom the crux of what our predecessors had passed on to us. Such is the circle of life, it goes on and on...
I am playing my part and doing my bit
I would love to read your comments and thoughts, please write to me or email me at "nilesharma@gmail.com" and I surely will reply
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Happy Day, Happy Life:)
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~ Nilesh Sharma @ Student of Life ~